First visit to the gynecologist. What should be done before going to the gynecologist? What to do after the inspection

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Most women do not like visits to the gynecologist, so they put it off until something hurts them. What can we say about inexperienced girls who have to find themselves for the first time at a gynecologist's appointment.

Due to their modesty, girls are embarrassed to speak frankly with a doctor about their problems, and then they have to undergo a gynecological examination. The reason for this lies in the fact that the girls simply do not know what exactly will happen at the appointment with the gynecologist. In our article we will tell you what awaits the patient at the first appointment with a gynecologist.

Where to go for an appointment?

Every woman has the right to free service in, which is in every district of the city. Or you can choose the one that suits you, where the attentiveness of the staff is often higher than in ordinary consultations.

When to go to the gynecologist for the first time?

There is no exact age when you need to go to the gynecologist. Most often, the first time girls go to a female doctor at the age of 14 to 16 years old or immediately after the onset of sexual activity.

How to prepare for a visit to the gynecologist?

First of all, it is necessary tune in psychologically

  • always remember that you should not make excuses for any circumstances in your life,
  • no need to be shy - you are not the first person the doctor sees without clothes,
  • If you don't like the doctor, you can always change him.

In addition to psychological adjustment, you need prepare yourself for the inspection:

  • take a shower before the appointment, put on fresh clothes.
  • It is not necessary to shave the hair in the intimate area, but if this procedure is usual for you, then it is better to do it a day or two before visiting the doctor.
  • Do not douche - this can lead to incorrect test results and complicate the correct diagnosis.
  • If you have taken antibiotics, it is best to schedule a visit to the doctor one and a half to two weeks after the end of the course.
  • You should not go to the gynecologist during menstruation without any special reason, because during this period it is impossible to take tests.

What do you need to bring with you to the inspection?

It depends on where exactly you are going for the appointment. If you made an appointment with a doctor at a private medical center, then you don’t need to take anything with you except for your passport - there you will be provided with disposable shoe covers and diapers. If you are planning a visit to the district antenatal clinic, then you must have with you:

  • the passport,
  • medical policy,
  • pension policy,
  • shoe covers,
  • change of shoes and socks,
  • diaper.

How is the first gynecological examination?

The first appointment with a gynecologist consists of several points.

Conversation with a doctor

The doctor creates a separate medical record. In the course of filling it out, he will ask you basic questions regarding the onset of menstruation, their course and regularity, whether you are sexually active, how you use protection, and ask about your complaints, if any.

Examination in the gynecological chair

Inspection is carried out in a special chair, reclining. Before you lie down on a chair, lay a special diaper. Assuming the desired posture, try to calm down and relax. If the girl has not yet begun to have sex, then only an examination of the external genital organs is performed. In girls who are sexually active, a two-handed examination is mandatory. Two fingers of one hand are inserted into the vagina, and the doctor feels the abdomen with the other hand. This is how the condition of the uterus and ovaries is determined. In addition, an intravaginal examination is performed using a special mirror.

During the examination, the doctor, using special tools, takes smears for tests on the bacterial flora. In some cases, the gynecologist may prescribe an ultrasound.

Even if the state of health does not raise any questions, this is not a reason to cancel a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist. After all, if there were complaints, then the reception was late! What is worth remembering before going to the gynecologist or how to prepare for the trip?

“I can’t do it anymore, I’ll be patient”

“I go to the toilet after taking it” is a very serious misconception and definitely should not be tolerated. On the one hand, filled bladder complicates the process of palpation, so it is better to come to the clinic in advance to go to the toilet. But, on the other hand, for some tests it is recommended not to urinate for 2-3 hours, so as not to remove the bacteria. The gynecologist will definitely raise this question himself.

Why stop taking medication

Even if the symptoms indicate that the cause of concern is a common thrush, we advise you to first consult a gynecologist and only then take certain medications. Antifungal drugs and antibiotics greatly affect the microflora of the vagina - the result of a smear may be false.

Also, 2-3 weeks before the visit to the gynecologist, it is better to stop taking drugs to increase immunity and hormonal drugs. You should not take a break in medicines if they are prescribed for continuous use in chronic diseases.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


A visit to the gynecologist is not an easy task for some, but it is necessary to cope with it, because sooner or later you will have to make this important health visit to a specialist.

Today, together with the magazine site, we will try to understand the intricacies of this process.

When should you plan your first trip to the gynecologist?

Teenage girls and young women are most afraid of the first gynecological examinations, considering this procedure quite intimate, feel shame and fear. But believe me, you should not be afraid of these tricks - it’s better to check everything in time so that do not miss the moment for treatment if needed.

The fear of visiting a gynecologist is often associated with the incompetence of many specialists, and with a careless attitude towards the patient, and with a lack of understanding of medical terms. All this can frighten patients who next time will try to delay the moment of visiting a gynecologist.

The problem of shame and fear can be solved by passing the first examination in a specialized medical center , where the percentage of qualifications of specialists and the attentiveness of the staff is still higher than in ordinary medical clinics.

When should you go to the gynecologist for the first time?

The first visit to the gynecologist should be done after the onset of the first menstruation - at about 15-17 years old, or after the onset of sexual activity . Doctors recommend getting tested Twice a year , regularly taking tests to prevent the possibility of developing various diseases. A health check is also required. when changing sexual partner .

Often doctors may look or speak accusingly. But always remember that You don't have to make excuses for certain actions before the doctor - this is your life. Doctors are only obliged to warn you or give a recommendation. Therefore, at the doctor's office always tell the truth, be confident when communicating.

How to prepare for the first appointment with a gynecologist - important rules

  • For a neater look you can shave off the hairs in the genital area - but again, it's up to you. It is better to shave in advance - 1-2 days before the appointment, so that irritation does not appear if this procedure is irregular for you.
  • Reception in the morning, of course, suggests that take a shower in the morning and you will look decent. With a reception in the evening, of course, it is more difficult, but still find an opportunity to wash yourself with warm clean water without any means.
  • Absolutely do not douche or wipe with napkins for intimate hygiene, as this may show a false picture during the examination, and the doctor will not notice the true problem in your health, if any.
  • If you have recently been treated with antibiotics - postpone the visit to the gynecologist for 1-1.5 weeks . Such drugs affect the microflora of the vagina, and also, when taken, they will show a false picture of health.
  • Tests for infections should be taken before or immediately after menstruation , visits to the doctor are better to do on day 5-6 of the cycle . During menstruation, visits to the doctor without the necessary reasons are not recommended.
  • Take a diaper with you to lay on the gynecological chair and socks to wear them during the reception. In paid medical centers, this is usually not required, since disposable diapers and shoe covers are used.
  • Also prepare doctor's list of questions if you have them.

The first gynecological examination - how does the first gynecological examination take place?

The first examination by a gynecologist consists of several steps:

The entire appointment with a gynecologist takes approximately 10-15 minutes , during this time you will have time to "talk", undergo an examination on a chair, undress and dress.

We hope our story will help you no longer be afraid of going to this specialist and your very first visit to the gynecologist will pass. without fear or doubt.

What exactly is going on in the doctor's head when he is doing his job down there, downstairs? Perhaps, before going to the gynecologist, and even more so already at the reception, you cannot relax thinking about it. What to do before going to the gynecologist?

To quell your anxiety, we interviewed five OB/GYN doctors about what they would like to say to their patients but are silent about.

After their revelations, we can draw some conclusions about what needs to be done before a visit to the gynecologist and what not. Doctors are absolutely not interested in the presence or absence of vegetation on your body. They need you to be honest.

Do I need to shave before going to the gynecologist?

Whether to shave before going to the gynecologist is up to you. They absolutely do not care if you shaved your legs and did epilation in intimate places. Honestly! If the thought that you have grown hair in places that you will have to light at the doctor haunts you, go and get yourself in order. But the smoothness of your skin will only really matter to you.

If you intended to shave your intimate areas just before a visit to the gynecologist, and otherwise you would not do anything with your vegetation, forget about it, because your gynecologist is absolutely fine. Doctors do not pay attention to the presence or absence of hair.

The conclusion is this: shaving in front of a gynecologist is not necessary at all.

I'm afraid of what I will smell during a gynecological examination

Many girls are afraid that the gynecologist will smell an unpleasant smell from the vagina during the examination, but the gynecologist himself is afraid of the smell that will come from your feet. When the doctor takes a swab, the legs are closest to his nose. Fair enough!

Before going to the gynecologist, you can take a light shower, but do not use wet wipes if you are taking a smear. Do not forget about your hygiene in general and the cleanliness of your feet in particular.

Examination by a gynecologist during menstruation

You can not endure a visit to the gynecologist if you have started menstruation. It should be clear right away that the sight of menstrual blood does not cause a feeling of horror in the doctor. If, suddenly, you incorrectly calculated the day of the next menstruation or simply forgot about its beginning, do not endure a visit to the gynecologist.

The process of childbirth or caesarean section is accompanied by blood in large quantities, so a little blood on examination does not frighten the doctor. Difficulties can only appear if you need to take a swab. Not many clinics have the ability to separate menstrual blood during the preparation of tests.

If your visit does not involve the collection of material for analysis, do not transfer the examination due to menstruation.

Emptying during childbirth

Yes, most likely, during the birth of a child with attempts, a small bowel movement will also occur. Many women are horrified by this thought, but obstetricians themselves remain absolutely calm. Almost all women do this when they push the baby out, even an enema before childbirth may not help, so doctors are used to such a spectacle and do not attach much importance to it. They know what to do with it. So when you give birth, relax and keep pushing.

Be honest at the appointment with the gynecologist

You need to honestly answer all questions when the doctor asks about your sex life, the number of sexual partners, and so on. The doctor is at his workplace not to condemn you, reproach or educate. Its purpose is to help, to cure. To do his job as efficiently as possible, he clarifies the details that will help him get a clear picture of what is happening and tailor the treatment to your individual characteristics and needs.

Do not lie at the gynecologist's appointment about how many partners you have had or currently have. Knowing what types of sex you practice (anal, vaginal, oral, etc.), as well as what gender your partner or partners are, treatment or methods of contraception will be selected as correctly as possible.

Don't hide things like discharge or itching. Many women live for a long time with the feeling that something is itching in the lower abdomen, and they think that this is normal. But this is not normal. Analyzes will help to identify the cause and make life more comfortable.

Sex before going to the gynecologist

Can I have sex before going to the gynecologist? The answer to the question depends on the purpose of your visit to the doctor. If the visit is just for sightseeing, or if it's not your first visit in a while, then how you spend the night before is up to you.

Having sex before going to the gynecologist is not advisable if the doctor will take a smear from you. Sex in front of a gynecologist may not affect the material for analysis in the best way. The rest of the sperm will make some confusion. Even if you had protected intercourse, due to friction and, as a result, due to micro-inflammations, the test results can also be distorted.

It is for this reason that you can not douche, take certain medications and use vaginal creams.

If it so happened that there was still sex before visiting the gynecologist, just warn the doctor about it.

Before visiting the gynecologist, make a list of questions

It often happens that you want to ask a doctor a lot, but either from excitement or from new information that you receive in the office, your questions fly out of your head, and then you remember them already outside the doors, or even at home. To make your visit to the gynecologist as productive as possible, prepare in advance. Make a list of questions and keep it on your phone, tablet or notepad.

Feel free to ask any questions! This will show you as someone who takes their health seriously. Here are examples of common questions:

  • Do you experience pain during intercourse
  • Do you experience itching or frequent discharge
  • Irregularity of menstruation
  • Side effects of birth control pills

Dress comfortably in front of the gynecologist

What are undressing gynecologist patients wearing this season? Knee socks! Socks and stockings may not be removed during the inspection. If it's cool in the office, knee socks will help you feel comfortable.

Forget high boots with complex lacing or figure-correcting corsets. You will be comfortable in separate pieces of clothing for the top and bottom, for example, in pants or a skirt and a blouse or sweater. When you are examined below, you will only have to remove the lower things, and during the examination of the mammary glands, you can only remove the top.

How to prepare for a gynecologist

  • Make a list of questions.
  • Take a regular daily shower, but don't go overboard down there with cosmetics and hygiene products.
  • Shaving and waxing is not required.
  • Do not have sex the day before (24-48 hours before), do not douche.
  • Take a diaper and an examination kit with you if you go to the state antenatal clinic. In paid clinics, the doctor has all this.
  • Don't be nervous and tell the truth.

A gynecologist and a dentist are considered the most unloved and unpleasant doctors. Only when they grow up do girls realize how important it is to periodically have them examined. But if children get used to treating teeth from an early age, then the first examination by a gynecologist occurs in adolescence. It is very important to prepare the girl for the first examination of the doctor. As part of the culture and guarantee of women's health, a visit to the gynecologist should become a habit.

According to statistics, every eighth girl needs the help of a pediatric gynecologist, and only one in ten receives it. In some cases, the first visit to the gynecologist occurs quite early. For example, for admission to some kindergartens or lyceums, along with other documents, a certificate from a gynecologist may be required. More often, a referral to a gynecologist is given by another doctor. Everything in the body is interconnected, and problems with other organs can affect women's health. A urologist, nephrologist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist can send a girl for examination to a gynecologist. Another reason is if the daughter has complaints.

Children's examination

Of course, the little girl goes to the examination with her mother. The girl is examined by a pediatric gynecologist, whose office is equipped with a child seat. If there is no such specialist at the place of residence, you can contact the Kyiv "Okhmadet" or a private clinic. For mom, the main thing is not to be nervous, then the child will be calm. Tell your daughter how to sit in a chair, where to put the legs. Explain that this needs to be done so that nothing hurts. If the child is not shy and not afraid of the doctor, then he will calmly answer all questions. Or one: “Are there any complaints?” In the absence of complaints, the gynecologist makes an external examination, determining whether the genital and mammary glands develop correctly. If there are complaints, then the doctor may conduct an anal examination. A swab is taken from a child only from the outer labia, without inserting a stick inside. If you're worried about the girl having a traumatic experience, talk to the doctor. Usually children's doctors find a good approach to children, soothe and distract. In addition, the mother may be nearby.

Teenager in the office

First inspection in adolescence occurs during a medical examination or during a school medical examination. If the girl is under 18 years old, then the examination is carried out with the consent or with the obligatory notification of the mother. In some cases, the mother may be nearby. If a girl is worried or does not want to be examined at school, it's okay. Mom can agree that her daughter will be examined by a gynecologist at the place of residence or registration. The right mother will prepare the girl for the visit so that the next time the daughter can visit the doctor herself. A gynecologist examines a girl who is not yet sexually active, almost in the same way as a child. First, a general examination, measurement of pressure, examination of the mammary glands, examination in the chair. The doctor will ask questions: does the girl have a sexual life, when did her period begin, when was the last period, how regularly do they pass. In order not to get confused, it is better to take a calendar with you, which indicates the frequency of menstruation. Doctors say that menstruation in modern teenagers often go irregularly. It affects the severe environment, stress, poor nutrition, informational noise, nervous and physical stress, diets or the onset of sexual activity. Therefore, there is nothing to be afraid of, but it is necessary to inform the doctor that the periods are too long or with uneven interruptions. And be sure to tell the gynecologist that you came for an examination for the first time.

Inspection in an armchair

First, the doctor examines the external genitalia. The virgin is examined not through the vagina, but through the anus. A finger is inserted, and the abdomen is probed with the left hand. Thus, he examines the uterus and ovaries. You'll have to be patient a little. The smear is taken from the outer lips with a special stick. If the gynecologist prescribes an ultrasound examination of the small pelvis, be sure to go through the appointment without panic. In the event that the girl is no longer a virgin, she is examined through the vagina. For this, a device called a mirror is used. Mirrors come in several sizes (the smallest ones are used for girls), reusable ones are subject to sterilization, but there are also disposable plastic mirrors. If the doctor has put a mirror, you need to relax and lie still. The doctor takes a smear to check the vaginal flora and cytology (poor cells). Then the doctor takes out the mirrors and examines them with his hands. Inserts two fingers into the vagina and feels the tummy with the left hand. You need to get up in the chair when the doctor says that the examination is completed. Now you can get off the chair, get dressed and. finally, ask the doctor questions - is everything all right or when can you find out the results of the tests, why this or that appointment was made.How to prepare for a visit

In private clinics, you do not need to buy an examination kit - everything you need is there. In some clinics, kits are sold at pharmacies at the entrance, you may need to pay for disposable gloves (depending on the clinic). A disposable kit may include a diaper, doctor's gloves, swab brush, and disposable speculums. You can call the front desk and ask what you need to bring with you. Usually, for examination by a gynecologist, you need a clean diaper or a small towel - lay it on a chair under the ass. It's a good idea to bring clean socks. Having undressed, do not stomp barefoot from the couch to the gynecological chair and back. The doctor will be more pleased if bare feet do not flash before his eyes. We have already talked about the monthly calendar.

How to choose the time to visit

During menstruation, you should not go to the doctor, because due to the discharge, the doctor will not be able to get the necessary information. For the same reason, it is not necessary to douche or take a bath before a visit to the doctor, so as not to flush the discharge into the vagina. Any smear taken after douching will not reflect the real state of affairs. It is better to take a shower so that the doctor can see the vaginal microflora in a normal state. The use of intimate perfumes and deodorants is not recommended. Naturally, before going to the doctor you need to wash and put on clean underwear. To shave to the gynecologist or not? no need. But if a girl shaves constantly and it is more convenient for her, then there will be no comments. In addition, in a day or two days, you need to give up intimacy, do not inject an antiseptic, and do not insert candles. It is necessary to try to empty the intestines in advance.

How to behave with a doctor

You need to calmly go into the office, say hello, sit on a chair for patients. In addition to the doctor, there may be a nurse in the office. Give her the medical card and wait until you start asking questions. When answering questions, check the calendar. With a gynecologist, you need to be frank, not to be shy, not afraid, not to hide anything. It is difficult for a frightened person to relax, and this can make inspection difficult. Remember that the doctor does not ask you for personal secrets. All he needs to know is related to the state of your health: the number of guys, what they were sick with, how long they have been sexually active. Then the doctor will tell you to go to the office with a chair, where you will need to undress to the waist and climb onto the chair, laying a diaper. You need to lean back, and throw your legs over the supports, bending at the knees. During the examination, the doctor may ask you to put your feet on the heels on the stands. Before starting the examination, the doctor must wear disposable gloves. If pain occurs during the examination, the doctor should know about it. And, of course, try to come to the inspection and leave it in a good mood.

How can mom help?

Mom should have conversations with her daughter to know if the child has any discomfort or problems. In adolescence, girls are more willing to share their pain with friends, and not with their mother. Problems can be hushed up, especially if the girl had a sexual experience, and her parents believe that her virginity is a family treasure. Therefore, it is important that the girl could trust her mother. At least for the first time - after the onset of sexual activity and on the eve of the first visit to the gynecologist. Often, patients with already advanced forms of the disease come for examination. If a woman is regularly examined and some kind of infection is detected, then, firstly, doctors will have more drugs for treatment at their disposal. And, secondly, there will be more time to defeat the disease. In addition, some diseases occur without obvious symptoms. If there are no complaints and nothing bothers, this does not mean that the woman is absolutely healthy. Years later, the habit of getting checked regularly by a gynecologist can save a woman's life. Therefore, do not neglect your health and check with a gynecologist twice a year. Remember: the first examination is the first step on the path to health and motherhood.

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